Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ice Cream Cupcake

I am sure many of you remember the ice cream cone cakes from the 80's. This was one of my all time favorite recipes growing up. There are several ways to make these fun filled treats. But the key thing is the frosting. Cant get lazy on this one people. The frosting has to look like icecream. Now how hard is it to make these treats? Its quite simple and fun all you do is prepare your favorite flavor cake mix as directed. You can bake them inside the cones, or you can bake them in the traditional paper cups then insert them into the icecream cone after they cool, Frost, top with colorful sprinkles or candies and Voila. You can also fill the bottom of the icecream cones with M&M's for an extra sugary kick.
**4 out of 5 **

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